Dante Prize- Dante Society of America

Dante Prize—Dante Society of America

Deadline:  June 30

* “Undergraduate in any American or Canadian college or university, or anyone not enrolled as a graduate student who has received the degree of A.B. or its equivalent, within the past year.”
* Write an essay on a subject related to the life or works of Dante (see below).

The prize is $250 for the best essay. Essays should be no longer than 5,000 words in length, including bibliographies and any other material. Each writer should provide a cover page (as the first page of the file) giving the writer’s name, local, permanent and e-mail addresses, the title of the essay, the essay category, and the writer’s institutional affiliation. The writer’s name should not appear on the essay title page (to follow the cover page) or on any other page of the essay since the essays are submitted anonymously to the readers. Quotations from Dante’s works should be cited in the original language, and the format of an essay should conform to either the Chicago or MLA Style Sheet guidelines. Submissions will be judged by a special Committee of the Society. The results will be announced in early autumn and published in the fall issue of the DSA Newsletter and in Dante Studies. While the essays remain the intellectual property of the writers, the submitted text will be not returned to authors.

Application:  Refer to http://www.dantesociety.org/prizes.html for further information.

(last checked 2/7/17)

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