Intercollegiate Studies Institute Fellowships

Intercollegiate Studies Institute Fellowships

Deadline: January 16

The Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) is a non-profit, non-partisan, tax-exempt educational organization whose purpose is to convey to successive generations of college youth a better understanding of the values and institutions that sustain a free and virtuous society. Founded in 1953, ISI works “to educate for liberty” — to identify the best and the brightest college students and to nurture in these future leaders the American ideal of ordered liberty. To accomplish this goal, ISI seeks to enhance the rising generation”s knowledge of our nation’s founding principles — limited government, individual liberty, personal responsibility, the rule of law, market economy, and moral norms.

Available Fellowships:

The ISI Richard M. Weaver Fellowship pays tuition at the school attended by the recipient, a stipend of $5,000, and awards $1,000 in ISI Books. More than 400 Weaver graduate fellowships have been granted since the program’s inception in 1964.

The ISI Western Civilization Fellowship awards each recipient $20,000 for graduate work related to Western Civilization studies. Two of these graduate fellowships are awarded annually.

The ISI Salvatori Fellowship provides $10,000 to each awardee for graduate work related to the American Founding. Two of these graduate fellowships are awarded annually.

Click here for more information.

(updated 1.24.17)

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