The Friend Peace Scholarship Fund

The Friend Peace Scholarship Fund

Deadline: April 30
Theodore and Mary Atherton Richards were the generous benefactors of the Richards Friend Peace Scholarship Endowment Fund. Mrs. Richards left 25% of her estate to provide for the administration and continuance of the Friend Peace Scholarship. Other generous family contributions have also been received.The Board of Trustees of the Hawaii Conference Foundation grants scholarships from the Friend Peace Scholarship Fund. Income from the Friend Peace Scholarship Fund provides scholarships and study grants that help Christian students preparing for definite Christian work. Applicants plan to cross both national and cultural lines for their planned study, which must be in a Pacific Basin country. Applicants are sought from Pacific Basin nations to study in America and its possessions or from America and its possessions to study in the Pacific Basic nations. Applicants commit to return to their country of origin upon completion of education.Click here for more information.

(last checked 2.8.17)


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