Vatican Film Library Mellon Fellowships

Vatican Film Library Mellon Fellowships at Saint Louis University

Deadlines:  March 1 for research June to August
June 1 for research September to December
October 1 for research January to May

Research in the collections of the Vatican Film Library by qualified scholars is supported by two fellowship programs. The Vatican Film Library Mellon Fellowship is offered through the Vatican Film Library for research of periods between two and eight weeks in length. The NEH Research Fellowship is offered through the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louis University for scholars resident during the fall or spring terms. This fellowship encompasses research conducted in both the Vatican Film Library and in the rare book and manuscript collections of Pius XII Memorial Library. These fellowships cannot be held concurrently.

Vatican Film Library Mellon Fellowship
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies NEH Research Fellowship

Research in the Vatican Film Library is supported through the generosity of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Vatican Film Library Mellon Fellowships provide travel costs within the continental United States and a living allowance of $2250 per month to researchers making use of the collections for periods between two and eight weeks.

Fellowships are open to post-doctoral scholars and doctoral candidates formally admitted to a Ph.D. program who are working on their dissertations. Projects may involve any subject supported by the research collections of the Vatican Film Library, particularly the library’s microfilms of manuscripts from the Vatican Library and other institutions, as well as Jesuit historical documents. Topics of research may include history, philosophy, theology, literature, art, science, etc., in addition to paleography, codicology, illumination, text editing, library history, and other studies.

Applications to the fellowship program should contain (1) a cover letter specifying dates and duration of research, (2) a project proposal of not more than 2–3 pages, (3) a curriculum vitae, (4) a list of manuscripts or other materials to be consulted, and (5) a select bibliography of materials relating to the project. Doctoral candidates are also asked to provide a letter of recommendation from their advisor.

Click here for more information.

(last checked 1/25/17)

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