Fellowship for Intensive Turkish Language—American Research Institute in Turkey
Deadline: February 5
* “Perform at the high-intermediate level on a proficiency-based admissions examination.”
* U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident
* Enrolled in undergraduate or graduate level studies (with “B” average), or be faculty
The American Research Institute in Turkey will offer full travel and fellowships for ten advanced students for participation in the summer program in intensive advanced Turkish language at Bogaziçi University in Istanbul. This intensive program offers the equivalent of one full academic year of study in Turkish at the college level. The fellowships cover round-trip airfare to Istanbul, application and tuition fees, and a maintenance stipend. ARIT fellowship supported courses are offered at the advanced level. Class size is limited to ten students. Each class meets twenty hours per week. Classes are held on weekdays from 9 am to 1 pm. They are conducted in Turkish, with informal and formal styles introduced and reviewed through instruction, language laboratory work, and open conversations with teaching assistants. In the afternoon, students meet with teaching assistants on an informal basis for additional instruction and free conversation. Participants also attend extracurricular activities including films, lectures, and cultural events both on- and off-campus.
Click here for more information.
(updated 2.14.17)