Hector E. Lopez Scholarship Fund

Hector E. Lopez Scholarship Fund

Deadline: March 1

A scholarship program to nurture, support and educate Latinas and Latinos in the prophetic and liberating theology of the United Church of Christ.
The United Church of Christ (UCC) has been a prophetic and pioneer Christian voice in America, since the founding of this nation. It is our vision that the message of Jesus was that of an extravagant welcome, in which all people are honored in love and justice.

The López Scholarship is intended to prepare Latinas and Latinos as future ministers, educated in the socially and theologically progressive seminaries of the UCC, who will return to lead vital congregations, minister to Latino constituencies, multicultural communities and the whole church, equipped to proclaim the liberating Gospel message of salvation, full-inclusion, justice and peace. This new scholarship is named in honor of The Reverend Dr. Héctor Edmundo López, a laborer in the journey for racial justice. Dr. López is the first Latino ordained in the UCC and the first Latino UCC Conference Minister.

For more information, visit the website.

(updated 1.24.17)

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