Medieval Institute Library – Stipends for Short-termed Postdoctoral Research
Deadline: Ongoing
Each year, a limited number of stipends are available for three- to four-month periods for postdoctoral scholars who wish to conduct research in the Medieval Institute Library. Such temporary, residential visitors to the Institute form a lively complement to the permanent faculty and student community and benefit greatly from the opportunities for professional interaction. Recently, the Institute has welcomed postdoctoral scholars from the Netherlands, Canada, Italy, Ukraine, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Argentina, and elsewhere.
The number of stipends available (up to three in a given year) varies and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Awards are made at the discretion of the director of the Medieval Institute. Visitors are encouraged to seek additional financial support from their home institutions or other sources to supplement the stipend awards. Applicants should send letters of inquiry describing the nature of the research they wish to conduct at Notre Dame, how the particular resources of the Medieval Institute will assist them, a curriculum vitae, and two letters of reference to the address below.
Applicants should inquire between six months and one year prior to the time they wish to be in residence, in order to allow sufficient time for the necessary preparations.
Click here for more information.
(last checked 2/7/17)