Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize

Deadline: January 25The Social Science Research Council announces a twenty-year program of biannual grants from the Mark Family Fund for the Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology.

The prize recognizes students in the social sciences who incorporate visual analysis in their work.  It is named for Rachel Dorothy Tanur (1958–2002), an urban planner and lawyer who cared deeply about people and their lives and was an acute observer of living conditions and human relationships.


The applicant must submit two commentaries in English, each no more than 4000 characters (~500 words) in length, and one photo. One commentary must be based on one or more of the photos by Rachel Tanur and one must be based on an original photo taken by the applicant. Each commentary is expected to give a sociological analysis of the selected visual material, based on theoretical and applied social science methods.

In addition, each applicant must submit a letter from his or her advisor, certifying the current student status of the applicant, to tanurprize@ssrc.org.

For additional information, please visit http://www.racheltanurmemorialprize.org


Social Science Research Council
One Pierrepont Plaza, 15th Floor
300 Cadman Plaza
West Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 212-377-2700
(last checked 1.11.17)
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