Spalding Trust Grants-in-Aid of Research
Deadline: April 1
The Spalding Trust supports academic research on comparative inter-faith projects. Consideration is also given to applications which are not academically orientated, provided that they will have a practical and beneficial effect on inter-religious understanding.
Subjects: World religious other than that of the holder. Such study should be the principal, not a subsidiary, object.
Purpose: To promote a better understanding between the great cultures of the world by encouraging the study of the religious principles on which they are based.
Eligibility: Open to those engaged in academic studies or in study which will have practical benefit in promoting inter-religious understanding. No grant may be offered for a study or project within the context of the applicant?s own religion unless there is likely to be a significant result in the improvement of inter-religious understanding. The trustees are reluctant to approve requests for assistance with the expenses of undertaking or completing first degree courses. The Trust?s resources do not permit assistance to applicants to whom other adequate sources of finance are available. Consideration is also given to applications which are not academically orientated, provided that they will have a practical and beneficial effect on inter-religious understanding.
Value: Limited amount in the form of grants for subsistence towards tuition fees, purchase of books or for travel.
Length of Study: Short periods of up to three years.
Application Procedure: Applicants must submit a research proposal, a budget including other possible sources of funding, and academic reference and curriculum vitae. Applications take two to three months to be considered.
Closing Date: Applications are considered throughout the year, but major applications are considered in April.
Additional Information: Trustees are particularly interested in research projects which are backed by professional ability to raise the standard of knowledge of religious principles and practices, and to interpret their relation to contemporary society. On completion of the project, the Trustees expect to receive a report on what has been achieved.
Visit the website for more information, including an application.
(updated 2.1.17)