SSRC Mellon Mays Predoctoral Research Grant

SSRC Mellon Mays Predoctoral Research Grant

Deadline: November 1

This SSRC-Mellon Mays program builds on the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, an effort to support scholars committed to diversity on the faculties of American colleges and universities. Only those students recognized as Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows and currently enrolled in doctoral programs in Mellon designated fields are eligible to apply.

The SSRC-Mellon Mays Predoctoral Grants provide fellows with support to defray the costs associated with graduate study and research.  Fellows are eligible for a maximum allocation of $5,000 during their second through fifth years of graduate study.  Recognizing that needs differ by stage in the graduate process and by type of institutional setting, we have created two predoctoral grant opportunities: Predoctoral Research Development and Graduate Studies Enhancement. These grants have been designed to allow flexibility in their disbursement so that fellows may tailor the grant(s) to best suit their needs.

Fellows will be able to apply for these grants May through November of each year.  Funding decisions will be based on a set of criteria including the fellow’s successful completion of key graduate school requirements, the degree to which the grant monies fulfill needs not covered by a fellow’s graduate institution, and the degree to which grant monies will strengthen the quality of a fellow’s work and advance the fellow towards the completion of the doctoral degree.

Click here for more information.


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