The CARE Writing Prize
Deadline: Each September and February
The Graduate Theological Union Writing Prize recognizes a paper that incorporates artwork, themes, and/or content from a current Doug Adams Gallery exhibition. The awardee will receive $250 and will present the paper in a public lecture.
Who is eligible? All currently enrolled GTU students.
Papers should be 1200-1500 words in length, with the author’s name on each page and the word count noted on the upper right corner of the first page. Papers should be submitted to Late submissions will not be accepted.
Each paper will be carefully considered by a GTU ad hoc committee. Notification will be provided in 6-8 weeks.
Requirements? Awardees should reference GTU/CARE in any related presentations and publications.
In order to release funds, GTU must have on file the awardee’s IRS 1099-Misc form.
Please check the website listed in advance of September and February each year, as the actual deadlines within those months vary each year. Click here for more information.
(updated 1.11.17)