The American Jewish Committee Goldman Fellowship Program

The American Jewish Committee Goldman Fellowship Program

Deadline: February 10

The American Jewish Committee Goldman Fellowship Program is designed to develop future leaders in the areas of international and domestic politics, diplomacy, public relations, and management. This competitive Fellowship gives students the unique opportunity to work in offices throughout the world – from San Francisco to Geneva, Switzerland, and from New York to Melbourne, Australia. Fellows work closely with supervisors in a mentor relationship to learn about strategy, advocacy, and the development and implementation of programming. Fellows may also spend part of their time developing an independent project with the AJC office to which they are assigned.


AJC Goldman Fellows are hosted by national and international AJC offices and affiliates. The 2006 Fellows worked in domestic offices in Chicago, Atlanta, New York City, and Washington DC, and in international field offices in Berlin, Brussels, Santiago, and Warsaw. Placements vary each year. Research and policy work span the range of AJC”s interests – from international affairs and diplomacy to interethnic relations and non-profit management. Applicants are asked to select their preferred field(s) of interest as well as any location preferences and AJC will seek to match requests with our needs.AJC Goldman Fellows receive $3,000 for the 9-week program plus major travel expenses.

Examples of the Fellows’ activities in years past include:

  • Global Jewish Affairs: An AJC Goldman Fellow went to Australia and authored a front-cover feature article on Islamic fundamentalist hate literature, which was subsequently picked up and excerpted by an Australian national daily broadsheet. She also ran a seminar at a winter conference for international Jewish university students on responses to anti-Israel academic bias.
  • Domestic and Legal Policy:  An AJC Goldman Fellow at our New York headquarters researched and wrote “friend of the court briefs” on church-state law issues and immigration.
  • Interethnic Relations:At the AJC’s Belfer Center for American Pluralism, a Fellow worked on developing Latino-Jewish relations and on the Center’s program for reducing prejudice and encouraging civic participation among middle and high school students.

The AJC Goldman Fellowship Program is open to undergraduates in their junior or senior years, and students in graduate and professional schools. Students can come from a broad range of academic backgrounds. Important is a passion for making a difference, an interest in American Jewish identity, good ideas, and hard work.

Visit the website for more information.

(updated 1.26.17)

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